Call For Talks

We’re excited to announce that the call for talks for Virtual R/Pharma 2024 is now open !!
R/Pharma 2024, the conference on all things Open Source in Pharma, will take place October 29th-31st 2024, preceded by Training Days the week prior. The conference will be fully virtual. An in-person portion of R/Pharma will be at posit::conf(2024) on August 11th. More information, including a link to booking R/Pharma in-person can be found here:
We are particularly interested in talks from people who cannot usually make it to the in-person event or are newer to conference speaking. R/Pharma committee members are offering free speaker coaching: as long as you have an interesting R/Pharma idea and are willing to put in some work, we’ll help you develop a great talk. Talks are short (10-20 minutes) high energy presentations that give you the chance to talk about an interesting project that you’ve tackled with R in pharma. Short talks, or demos of your R/Python code, R/Stan/Julia packages, and shiny apps are great options.
In addition, we’ll be including on-demand pre-recorded talks throughout the conference and an expo to show off your great open source code (more info on expo to follow).
We are particularly interested in submissions that have one or more of these qualities:
- Examples of how shiny is used for interactive reporting for late-stage work
- Showcase the use of Open Source for drug discovery and development
- Using Open Source AI in Pharma
- Applications from smaller pharma companies / biotechs
- Expand the use of R in pharma to reach new domains and audiences
- Combining R with other languages and tools, like Python, Julia, Tensorflow etc.
- Reporting/Communication using R Markdown, Quarto, Shiny, ggplot2, or something else altogether
- Discussions on how to teach R/data science effectively in pharma
- Talks on administering R in pharma and tackling scaling, packages, cloud, HPC etc.
This year we are using sessionize to manage call-for-talks. To submit a talk please follow this link: and complete the form introducing yourself and your proposed topic.
Call-for-talks closes July 31st.
To ask a question, please use the form on our contact page to have your question routed to the organising committee Slack channel or email us on