R/Pharma 2024 Workshops

R/Pharma 2024 Workshops
R/Pharma is excited to host 19 free workshops!
Workshops will run around the conference and are hosted by members of the community. Workshops are always one of the highlights of R/Pharma and we are indebted to the hosts who prepare them.
This year all workshops, except the Diversity Alliance hackathon, are accessible through the general R/Pharma registration. Hackathon registration is available at this link.
Date / Time | Title |
Oct 21, 11:00-15:00 EDT * | Diversity Alliance Hackathon members of R/Pharma community |
Oct 25, 09:00-11:00 EDT | Parameterised plots and reports with R and Quarto Nicola Rennie (University of Lancaster) |
Oct 25, 10:00-13:00 EDT | Building ADaMs with pharmaverse R packages admiral, metacore/metatools and xportr Ben Straub (GSK), Fanny Gautier (Cytel), Edoardo Mancini (Roche) |
Oct 25, 13:00-15:00 EDT | {shinylive}: Serverless Shiny applications workshop. An exercise in deploying your App to GitHub Pages Barret Schloerke (posit) |
Oct 25, 13:00-16:00 EDT | {shinylive}Knowledge graphs for drug discovery Thomas Charlon (Harvard Medical School) |
Oct 25, 15:00-17:00 EDT | Preview of Posit Administrator Training Shannon Hagerty (posit) |
Oct 25, 15:00-17:00 EDT | Tables in Python with great tables Rich Iannone (posit), Michael Chow (posit) |
Oct 28, 00:00-03:10 EDT ** | Good Software Engineering Practice for R Packages Daniel Sabanés Bové (RCONIS), Joe Zhu (Roche) |
Oct 28, 09:00-11:30 EDT | The Near-Future of Regulatory Submissions: Embracing Reproducibility, Open Source, and Interactivity Leena Khatri (Roche), Davide Garolini (Roche) |
Oct 28, 11:00-13:00 EDT | Shiny Application Development and Validation with Rhino Deepansh Khurana (Appsilon) |
Oct 28, 12:00-14:00 EDT | SDTM programming in R using {sdtm.oak} package Rammprasad Ganapathy (Genentech) |
Oct 28, 13:00-15:00 EDT | Bayesian Dose-Response Modeling with the dreamer R Package Richard Payne (Eli Lilly) |
Oct 28, 13:00-16:00 EDT | Unlocking Analysis Results Datasets: A Practical Workshop for Creating and Utilizing ARDs for Clinical Reporting Daniel Sjoberg(Genentech), Becca Krouse (GSK) |
Oct 28, 23:00-Oct 29, 02:10 EDT ** | Reproducible and scalable reporting using rmarkdown & heddlr Farid Azouaou (Thaink2) |
Nov 1, 09:00-12:00 EDT | Selected examples on how to scale-up computations in R (e.g. by using HPC) Michael Mayer (posit) |
Nov 1, 09:00-12:00 EDT | No code data analysis with blockr David Granjon (Cynkra), Karma Tarap (BMS), John Coene (Y Company) |
Nov 1, 11:00-13:00 EDT | R Validation Hub Risk Tools Developer Day Doug Kelkhoff (Roche) |
Nov 1, 13:00-15:30 EDT | Visualizing Clinical Trial Data: Foundational Principles for Data Visualization, Best Practices, and Programming Techniques in R by Example Joshua Cook (USC Big Data Health Science Center) |
Nov 1, 14:00-16:00 EDT | The Expanse: Creating R Packages for Statisticians Ben Arancibia (GSK) |
* Diversity Alliance Hackathon. Registration available at this link.
** Workshops in APAC time zones.
You are free to take as many workshops as you choose. The majority will be recorded and will be available after the conference on the R/Pharma YouTube site.
Don’t forget to register for R/Pharma workshops and presentations here.