SENDing Toxicology Study Data Analysis into the 21st Century with a New R Package: sendigR.


The CDISC-SEND data standard has created new opportunities for collaborative development of open-source software solutions to facilitate cross-study analyses of toxicology study data. A public private partnership between BioCelerate and FDA/CDER was established in part to develop and publicize novel methods of extracting value from SEND datasets. As part of this work in collaboration with PHUSE, an R package, sendigR, has been developed to enable end users to easily construct a relational database from any collection of SEND datasets and then query that database to perform cross-study analyses. The package includes an R Shiny application with a graphical user interface, allowing users who are not familiar with the R programming language to perform cross-study analysis. Experienced R programmers, on the other hand, will be able to integrate the package functions into their own custom scripts/packages and potentially contribute improvements to the functionality of sendigR.

Presented at 2021 Conference
