R, Python, and Shiny in harmony: an Out-of-Box secure data backend for RStudio Connect & Workbench


Sarepta deployed RStudio Team for modern data analytics. One major hurdle we faced was how to serve data to Connect/Workbench securely in the backend. Partnering with Atorus, Sarepta solved this challenge using Box cloud storage as a secure data backend through Box API, JWT token, & Box Python SDK. RStudio Team & Box are seamlessly integrated with Okta SSO and JWT token authentication, providing a two-layer secure authentication that leverages Box frontend permission management. Inspired by boxr pkg, we developed usebox for R users and leveraged reticulate to call Box Python SDK. We illustrate usebox through a real Shiny App Patient Listing Generator, powered by open-source pkg subpat . We believe this real-world harmonized use of R, Python, Shiny, and Box offers insights to the community and organizations facing similar challenges.

Presented at 2022 Conference
