This paper explores the potential benefits of incorporating ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model, in statistical programming within the pharmaceutical industry. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, this technology can save time, money, and most importantly, your sanity. Programming often leads to frustration, anxiety, and sleepless nights trying to solve complex problems. Various applications and techniques that harness the power of ChatGPT will be described to reduce all of these. In a world where artificial intelligence threatens to take our jobs, this paper suggests methods of tapping into the untapped potential of ChatGPT to empower programmers with innovative tools, thereby increasing their value. When programming issues arise, no longer will you need to worry about judgement or hostility from others on online forums, particularly the wrath experienced when not including a reproducible example. ChatGPT is a powerful tool we have yet to fully leverage, and its benefits extend well beyond our imaginations, let alone this paper.