
Roche’s first end-to-end R submission

In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical development, Roche showcases the use of open source R in the regulatory submission process. In this presentation we will share a pioneer experience of end-to-end R submission for a new drug …

Harnessing CDISC’s Emerging Analysis Results Datasets Standard with the {cards} and {gtsummary} Packages

The CDISC Analysis Results Data (ARD) Model is an emerging standard for encoding statistical analysis summaries in a machine-readable format. Its primary objective is to streamline the processes of automation, ensuring reproducibility, promoting …

SDTM programming in R using {sdtm.oak} package

Unlocking Analysis Results Datasets: A Practical Workshop for Creating and Utilizing ARDs for Clinical Reporting

How CI/CD Enhances the Development of R packages in the Pharmaverse

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are playing a pivotal role in ensuring that R projects in Pharma meet the highest quality standards. Particular focus is placed on ensuring that packages are fit for purpose both on internal …