
Unleash your Shiny apps with JavaScript

Subgroup Benchmarking Framework

Identification of subgroups with increased or decreased treatment effect is a challenging topic with several traps and pitfalls. In this project, we would like to establish good practices for subgroup identification, by building a simulation platform …

The See Value App: Visual Decision Making for Drug Development

Statistical graphics play an important role in exploratory data analysis, model checking and diagnostics. The lineup protocol (Buja et. al 2009) enables statistical significance testing using visualizations, bridging the gap between exploratory and …

Would John, Paul, George or Ringo have been famous if it were not for The Beatles

The Beatles rose to music fame in the 1960's and became a worldwide phenomenon. With millions of screaming fans and selling over 600 million records, they are often cited as one of the most influential rock bands in history. One reason for their fame …

With great graphs comes great power

Effective visual communication is a core competency for pharmacometricians, statisticians, and, more generally, any quantitative scientist. It is essential in every step of a quantitative workflow, from scoping to execution and communicating results …

metashiny: build Shiny apps with a Shiny app

metashiny is an R package that provides a point-and-click interface to quickly design, prototype, and deploy essential Shiny applications without having to write one single line of R code. The core idea behind metashiny is to parametrize Shiny …

Unleash Shiny

In recent years, R users' understanding of Shiny has greatly increased but so have client expectations. While one of Shiny's greatest strengths is that it allows producing web applications solely from R code, meeting client's more delicate …

Shiny apps for accelerating early drug discovery research

Scientists in drug discovery research utilize a wide variety of instrumentation and techniques to advance their research. While instrumentation vendors often provide software tools to deal with data wrangling and visualization, a simple collection of …

An R package for Data Science and Deep Visualization of a complex clinical database

We define and illustrate a "deep visualization" paradigm for the analysis of a relatively large and complex clinical database for psoriasis (PSO) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). This paradigm supports a growing number of machine learning and …

Exploratory Graphics (xGx): Promoting the purposeful exploration of PKPD data

Introduction As pharmacometricians, we sometimes jump into complex modeling before thoroughly exploring our data. This can happen due to tight timelines, lack of ready-to-use graphic tools or enthusiasm for complex models. Exploratory plots can help …