
Interactive Reporting for Safety Monitoring

Data monitoring to ensure patient safety is an important process in clinical trials. An independent data monitoring committee (DMC) reviews safety data periodically to interpret findings and assess various safety signals. Sponsors typically provide …

Asynchronous Processing of Long-Running Tasks in Shiny

Computationally-intensive workflows exist in the design, analysis, and simulation in all phases of clinical studies. The runtime of such workflows can be significantly longer than a Shiny app can practicably handle. In such situations, binding the …

Reimagine the R package distribution system for reproducible research and submissions

In this talk, we will discuss an infrastructure-free R package exchange and distribution system. The components include pkglite for compact package representations, cleanslate for portable R environments, and pkglink for runtime dependency …

The gsDesign Shiny app for clinical trial design

abstract to follow

Interactive Forest Plot for DMC Safety Monitoring in Clinical Trials

In the safety analysis of clinical trials, the forest plot plays an important role. Currently, most of the forest plots are static, which makes them non-reader-friendly to Data Monitoring Committee (DMC). In this project, we propose an R package - …

R for Clinical Study Reports and Submission

r2rtf - a Lightweight R Package to Produce Tables and Figures in RTF Format

The use of open-source R is evolving in drug discovery, research and development for study design, data analysis, visualization, and report generation in the pharmaceutical industry. The ability to produce tables, listings and figures (TLFs) in …

X-Omics Platform

Introduction to the X-Omics Platform (XOP), a digital biomarker research platform for bioinformaticians and other scientist at Merck KGaA. XOP is a validated system for storing, processing, and analyzing "omics" data, including RNASeq, DNASeq …

Its Not Whats on the Outside, but Its Whats on the Back-end That Matters: The World Beyond CSV Files

Start browsing through R tutorials online and it won't take long to stumble across a read.csv statement. CSV files serve well for detached, static analyses. They tend fail, however, when tasked with storing large, dynamic data sets being accessed …

ModViz POP: R-Shiny Based PK/PD Interface for Empowering Teams to Perform Real-Time Simulations

Objectives Demonstrate an interactive and dynamic visualization tool, ModViz POP, for simulating ordinary differential equations based PK/PD models with variability. Methods ModViz POP has an in built PKPD ODE library of models based on the …